I have managed to track down BOBBIE ANN ROGERS, (above) the girl who modeled for the seminal 1962 Bert Kaempfert album cover "Living it Up"!!!
Bobbie writes:
"It was autumn in
Frank Ditmann was the male model. He was well known then for doing the Coppertone ads and had stepped in to do the shoot when Lloyd Bridges dropped out with a verucca. Hence the flippers. It was supposed to be a “Sea Hunt” theme (Sea Hunt was Bridges' successful TV show)
We had a bad time with the flippers. The photographer wanted us to share the single, yellow flipper but Frank, seeing as he had done the Coppertone ads, literally put his foot down and refused on hygiene grounds and kept asking for some gel to ease them on. “I need gel, I need gel, and get me my own flipper” he kept saying that"
Bobbie lives alone in Sacramento with a Blue-Tongued Skink called "Rimmer", collects Native American Leisurewear and makes regular guest appearances at Bert Kaempfert fan conventions. Frank Ditmann moved to Florida, went into real estate and drowned during the Boca Raton Annual Apple Bobbing competition in 1991.
Thanks Bobbie for taking the time.
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