I have been a Jethro Tull fan since a classmate brought in a copy of Stand Up to play on the school Dansette, one afternoon in 1969. These people, where did they come from? They looked like tatterdemalions and jesters and played incredible blues and progressive rock, tinged with folk. Tull went through many phases and is still recognisably Jethro Tull due to the continued dominance of frontman Ian Anderson. All the other original members, Clive Bunker, Glenn Cornick and Mick Abrahams have long gone. For a greater part of Tull's forty year history, Martin Barre has been a reassuring presence, though even Barre no longer tours full-time with the band. Tull never followed trends but nevertheless had several top five albums and platinum sales. To me, their appeal has been something quintessentially English, both lyrically and musically. A case in point is their mid Seventies offering, "Songs from the Wood". For this, Anderson immersed himself in English folklore, but preferred to call the songs "folky window-dressing in a prog rock shop front".
Out of the "Songs from the Wood" sessions came a track called Beltane, not on the album but included in the remaster. And since we are entering this period, of Jacks in the Greens and Green Men and fertility, what better than to include this track as a tribute to Jethro Tull.
Glenn Cornick spent a few days at Weasel Hall a while back, with his family, on holiday from their home in California. It was a real treat for a star struck Weasel
Is "Wild Turkey" still on the go then WW?
Wild Turkey did a re-union tour of the UK in 2007, to promote an album of new material. (Me and You in the Jungle) I went to see them perform at the Ferry, in Glasgow. Most of the band have other commitments and I have a feeling they won't tour officially again. Curiously, because Glenn and Clive Bunker played that tour, there were more original Tull members in Wild Turkey than some incarnations of the presently touring Jethro Tull, since, sometimes you only get Ian Anderson in the line-up.
Glenn played again with Ian as recently as last Autumn at the fanatical "Itullian" convention in Italy.
Glenn's favourite Tull album is "Benefit"
I saw the original Tull a few times at the marquee back in '69, and yes, "Stand Up" is a great album, but I think "Thick as a brick" tops it. I recall seeing a copy of their first single when the record company called them Jethro Toe. Hmm.. lots of care and communication from the record company then?
Welcome Dave. I heard that "Jethro Toe" singles change hands for hundreds of pounds.
went to see Tull on numerous occassions and all were enjoyable.
Still have all their albums on vinyl but nowadays have them all on I-Pod.
Don't know about you WW but l'm still amazed by the new technology. l currently have over 1000 albums on the I-Pod and it's only half full.
ln another of your posts you express your admiration for Jools Holland. lt's one of the few TV progs l watch. Reminds me of the halcyon days of OGWT and Whistling Bob. Unfortunately that reminds me of my ex taping over all my OGWT recordings and especially the New Year progs ... they were exceptional.
l agree about how bad Cat has fallen ... l wish l'd never seen him on Jools as my memories of original Cat are now somewhat damaged :-(
Welcome Spartan. A man after me own heart. I have a hard drive with over 2000 songs on it (about 5% of my collection) and it's still 95% empty. I love the future, and now I am in it.
The OGWT was fantastic. It was, in the very old fashioned sens of the word, cool. Alex Harvey, Wishbone Ash,Ry Cooder, Be Bop Deluxe, Lynrd Skynrd etc, etc. Everybody on it played so well. Stone Fox chase still sends an expectant shiver down my spine.
Delicious Tull references, the band who since about 72 have been my flagship in my holy sextet of Beatles, Jimi, GDead, Miles and Trane. I too was initially taken by them in about 69, hearing A New Day Yesterday on underground FM, and at 13 thinking that maybe here was a suitable replacement for the freshly and dearly departed Cream. (Although in their reunion, the Cream that is, there sounded to be more than enough energy left that I wish they had pursued this further, maybe it was in part to create more capital for Bruce and Baker who have pursued a less mainstream course than Clapton) but i am seriously digressing here.
I have to make mention of that Lets Swing thing you have happening
on your front page. The mere sight of it lets me know that here sits a brother in sweet dementia.
Anyway very well written, great page (though at a glance I am not sure where you are located) And yes, such little as I know of Glenn he seems a very sweet man and someone I am sure most old Tullies would have been very happy to have seen have the job permanently, much as I love all the guys who followed, with the usual particular fondness for Peggy and Jeffrey. BTW did Glenn still have that crazy ass multi colored mohawk when he visited?
You may or may not be interested in the fact that I have played on two separate occasions with Clive Bunker and Maartin Allcock and also know Mick Abrahams - in fact I work as a peripatetic guitar teacher at the school at which his wife is Deputy Head.
Thanks for dropping by guys.
Tullist. The "let's swing" gif makes me smile every time I see it. Tullist, there are pics of me and my wife, with Glenn, on his website,
His hair changes all the time!
Steveshark. It's a small world. My daughter met up with the Abrahams family about two years ago when they holidayed at the outdoor centre in France where my daughter works.
I met Clive last time Wild Turkey played in Scotland. I got the impression he is very shy.
Glenn currently basks in the California sunshine but misses fish and chips and scrumpy cider like mad.
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