Swiss vote to ban Minarets

The Weasel has often waxed lyrical about Switzerland. The news that the good people of CH have voted to ban the building of Minarets is music to his weasly ears. Good news, because, despite the best efforts of the liberal elite there and in the rest of Europe, the peoples' voice has been heard. Good news because, frankly, it is time to send a message to The world of Islam that it cannot obliterate Western Culture.

You know, if you want to build a Minaret, fuck off to Abu Dhabi and build it, or let us build a replica of Boston Stump in the centre of Tehran.

(Yes, I know, the Von Trapps were from Austria. The photo at the top is Mrs Weasel humouring me during a holiday in Vaud)


Norton Folgate said...

Good for them!

I wonder if they would have been allowed to get away with it if they had joined the EU?

Maturecheese said...

Hats off to them. I wonder what our government will say about it. Condemn it most likely.

Anonymous said...

The good Lord P would let us have a similar referendum I'm sure. I'm voting UKIP at the next general election.

Ayrdale said...

Very good news. Now if Copenhagen collapses totally, and if further news of scientific malfeasance comes from CRU then perhaps we can look forward to 2010 as being a period of genuine reform. Although whatever the outcome of Copenhagen, whatever stitched up shonky deal is made, the verdict of history and of science will remain the same; climate alarmists are frauds, and their stooges within the science establishments and in the media are guilty of collusion, lies and deceit. The information is now released, and the stink and shame of corruption will follow those who wilfully choose to ignore it...

“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell, 1984.

Wrinkled Weasel said...

Norton - No.
Maturecheese - the government is pusilanimous, they won't say a word.
APf1984 - We in this country are denied the right of self determination, unlike CH, which is run very strongly from local political structures.

Ayrdale. Isn't Anthropogenic Climate Change now dead? I hope so. Now that the truth is out, that it has been a lie based on suppression of the facts, who is going to fall for what is after all, another tier of social control?

Dave said...

Minarets = dhimmitude.

It's just a matter of time

banned said...

Wait a few years for Europistan to declare Jihad on the viper in its midst, unholy Switzerland.