The Return of Morality

Tom Harris has posted an interesting piece today on his blog.

I commend it.

If you think "morality" is a dirty word, I ask you to consider why you think that. It is only about 50 years that the neo-existentialist doctrine has held sway in the Western World. There are thousands of years of thought about moral philosophy, and yet so many people blandly assume that the latest is the best.

Consider the underpinnings of modern culture, as it is informed by existentialism and nihilism, and ask yourself if you want to believe in nothing or something.

A fellow blogger,

Mara Macseoinin

has commented here and I feel it is highly worthy of placing in the body of this article:

It is human nature to believe in 'something'. Even the nihilists, even those who have committed mass murder before committing suicide, have resolved to make the manner of their death so remarkable because it would mean 'something'. Paradoxical.
It seems the greater the State intrusion, the commensurate relinquishing of morality; if you let your government do your thinking for you and take for granted the majority of laws, never questioning if they are right or wrong but just that they 'are', you become morally enfeebled. And then of course because you have little personal freedom left - those freedoms mainly being lusts or satisfactions of the flesh - you are determined to indulge them at all costs, regardless of the effect upon others.

Thank you. Mara


Unknown said...

It is human nature to believe in 'something'. Even the nihilists, even those who have committed mass murder before committing suicide, have resolved to make the manner of their death so remarkable because it would mean 'something'. Paradoxical.
It seems the greater the State intrusion, the commensurate relinquishing of morality; if you let your government do your thinking for you and take for granted the majority of laws, never questioning if they are right or wrong but just that they 'are', you become morally enfeebled. And then of course because you have little personal freedom left - those freedoms mainly being lusts or satisfactions of the flesh - you are determined to indulge them at all costs, regardless of the effect upon others.

Wrinkled Weasel said...

Quite. You have summed it up.