Kinky Sex - blog stats soar!

The problem with doing these stories is the number of unwelcome visitors you get on the blog. Never mind, wanking is off here.

It seems the Mirror has been fed some salacious stuff about top Tories rutting around on all fours at cocaine-fueled spanking sessions. Oh dear, isn't politics a messy business. And to think we all expressed national outrage when Neil Hamilton was caught getting brown envelopes in the cash for questions scandal.

I have already done a piece on this HERE and my take is WTF? It's a private life and it should be private. These people are doing their thing - not trying to lie or cheat or destroy the country.

It is all getting very nasty.


Cate Munro said...

Surprise surprise! I wondered how long it'd take them to get a story like this out. It's ridiculous. What people do in their private lives should be just that - private. Smacks of more desperation by an ailing government on it's last legs.

Shaun said...

It's a private life and it should be private. If the aforementioned people were also exhibitionists, it is quite possible that with this very story we have been gulled into providing them their 'money shot'...