Au Revoir Mon Amis

Time to quit while I am behind. WW has never been massive, though at one time the blog was getting 4-5 thousand hits a week and managed to do ok in the Wikio rankings. But that was not what it was about. I was never going to find a niche because I am interested in too many things and if I may say so myself, most readers do not have time (or the intellect) for the kind of considered, researched material it has mostly been.

Over the weeks, my posts have been fewer and the readership has declined. Some readers came for distraction, which is ok, but the high level of debate in the comments section was severely limited to the few. In the end, everything that needs to be said has been said, several times over.

So rather than flog this to death, it is time to move on. There is seven year's worth of stuff here and it is by no means parochial or ephemeral. If you are interested search the archives.

I am moving on to something that is not only very interesting to me, but in the three months I have been doing it, it has been a modest success. is not only a labour of love, but I have been fortunate in engaging the interest of the music world. It means I can do what I was never able to do with WW and that is go to primary sources for truly new material.

Out of that I have become involved in what for me is a very exciting project. I am in partnership with Richard Tandy and Dave Morgan (ELO) on a re-issue and promotion of one of their albums.

Rock Legacy itself is time-consuming and unlike WW, I have no shortage of subjects or willing participants. So there you are. No big deal, no hissy fit. I am just moving on.


Norton Folgate said...

Bye WW, it was fun while it lasted.

strapworld said...

WW.Thanks for your interesting blogs.

Wishing you every success with rock-legacy. I will keep in touch with you through that.


Ed P said...

Best wishes for your new project

Jim Baxter said...

More curtain calls than Harrison Drape.

Been a wonderful blog though. Saw me through more than a few bad nights, just thinking about stuff that WW made me think about.

Dave said...

Sorry to read this WW, but I'm looking forward to looking in on Rock Legacy from time to time. I'm enjoying what I've read so far.

Daddy said...

Farewell, and thank you, WW. I enjoyed it, too.

All the best

Love from Daddy

wolfy said...

yer leaving - again?